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Action Plan


Now he who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will also supply and increase your store of seed and will enlarge the harvest of your righteousness.

IIコリント9章10節 II Corinthians 9:10




折角のツールも用いなければ錆びていってしまいます。手にとって使ってみなけれ ば、使い方は分かりません。オリンピック・パラリンピック期間中に多くの宣教チームが来日しますので、このツールを用いるチャンスとしていただきたいと思いま す。JiSPでは過去 20 年スポーツミニストリーに関わり、海外を含め様々なネット ワークを築き、ノウハウを蓄積してきました。この機会を通してともに祝福の実を 刈り取るために、スポーツという土地を耕し、種を蒔いてまいりましょう


The 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games have been postponed, but we are starting toprepare for 2021. Next year's Olympic and Paralympic Games will be a special event that will draw more attention from all over the world.

Japan has experienced many earthquakes and has received a lot of help from overseas each time. Let us pray and work together so that next year's Olympic and Paralympic Games will become a “blessed Olympic and Paralympic Games” and this time Japan

will give courage and hope to many countries in the world. 

JiSP regards sports as a tool to convey the gospel given by God. So far, the Japanese church has treated sports as a means of recreation at the individual and small group level, but regarding the gospel in the world of professional sports and the mission through sports it is barely touched.

If you don't use a sharp tool, it will rust. And though you can hold it you will not know how to use it. Many mission teams will come to Japan during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, so I would like to take this opportunity to use this tool. JiSP has been involved in sports ministry for the past 20 years and has built up various networks, including overseas, and accumulated ministry know-how. Let's cultivate the land of sports and sow the seeds in order to reap the fruits of blessings together.

JiSP is trying out using methods like those listed below to use sports as a means of sharing the gospel. Please consider them, and if you are interested, please do join our partnership!



​Cafe shop

CONNECT2020 がオリンピックの 18 日間に行うアウトリーチです。東京の中心地で場所を借り、そこで ポップアップコーヒーハウスをオープンし、コーヒーハウスに訪れる人々が夏の暑さから休むために無 料のアイスコーヒーやアイスティー、お水、スナックを用意する予定です。スタッフは福音を伝えるた めのアンケートを用いて訪れた人と会話を進めていきます。

CONNECT2020 is an

outreach that will take place for 18 days during the Olympics. They have rented

a venue in central Tokyo where a pop-up coffee house will operate. Visitors to the coffee house will have free iced coffee, iced tea, water and snacks to take a break from the summer heat. The staff will be trained to use questionnaires and other way to share the Gospel and talk with visitors.


スペシャル・ナイトSpecial Night


Mission teams from overseas will come to Japan before and during the Games, and after the Games. During your visit to Japan, a “Special Night” will be held at the local church to provide culture, food, music, etc. from each country, to enliven the tournament and give local people an opportunity to visit the church and further connect with the teams.




Public Viewing


We want to encourage churches to invite the community around them to watch some significant

moments of the Games. If you are showing the Olympics on a data projector there may be payment required. During the screening you may want to show a videos testimony of a Christian




大会期間中、地域教会が協力して一定数のボランティア(通訳、ガイド等)を地元自治体に提供し大 会運営に協力します。

During the Games, the local church will cooperate to provide a certain number of volunteers

(interpreters, guides, etc.) to the local government and cooperate in running the Games.



Sports clinics




Christian sports athletes (former athletes) will offer international exchange classes at public elementary schools and special clinics for club teams in junior high and high schools. After the clinic, we will hand out where we are able to, Bibles and testimonies of athletes and invite a follow-up program to each person who comes along to the clinic.



Open Crowd Festivals

/ Fan Zones


The local church will cooperate in organizing a festival or a family-friendly fan zone where free food, games will be offered, and fun programs will be implemented. It is here that the free love of God will be shown creating opportunities to connect with local people. This happens during

both the Olympics

and Paralympics

スクリーンショット 2020-03-22 16.42.37.png



プロのアスリートやメダリストの証またマンガ聖書などが掲載されているスポーツバイブルやスポーツマガジンをただいま製作中です。これらをスポーツクリニックやフェスティバル、教会で行われるイベ ントなどで無料で配布し、スポーツを通して福音を伝えます。献金という形で有料(1 冊 100~200 円を 想定)ですが、全国どこにでも発送いたします。

We are currently producing Sports Bibles and Sports Magazines that include testimonies from Christian professional athletes and medalists, as well as a Comic Bible. They will be distributed free of charge at sports clinics, festivals, and events held in churches – in fact any place where we are sharing the gospel through sports. Our hope that the costs of these resources will come from

donations (one Bible costs between 100 to 200 yen.) They will be shipped

anywhere in the country.




​I want to know more about  the action plan(PDF)


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